Start Your Day with Coffee and a Prayer

Sunday, October 25, 2009


I just found another blogsite with the same name. Strange. I was looking at a blogsite I had put in favorites and on the side she had other blogs she followed and there was mine, well sort of. I clicked on it and was quite surprised. I thought I was so creative but quess not. Oh well.

Has this happened to anyone else?


  1. I know there are more geogypsys out there in cyberworld and beyond, but haven't seen any other blogs. Maybe I should look further.

  2. I ran across another squirrel queen and several squirrels. I guess with thousands and thousands of blogs it's going to happen.

  3. I like this. It's a fun shot.

  4. Yep there are quite a few with my name to. Fiddlesticks to that ,I say.
