Start Your Day with Coffee and a Prayer

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Around the House

Flag at the front of the house.

Hummingbird at the feeder.

A little blurry pic.

Hydrangea, it used to be blue now has turned pink.

This is something new all over my neighbors bushes next to his fence. Smells divine. I think it is a type of honeysuckle. Will investigate further. By the way you are not seeing my neighbors back yard, he has not cut his grass since last summer.

I wish I could have gotten a better picture. Still working with my camera.

I put this feeder right outside my computer room window.


  1. Keep practicing with that camera, you'll get it! I think the hydrangea might need its soil acidified if you want it blue....
    The flag is very pretty; for a moment I was looking for a flag IN the flag! LOL!

  2. I keep meaning to feed the hummingbirds. It's on the list. Boy that list is long.
