Had a very nice day. Went to the movies with some friends. Saw My Sister's Keeper. My friend read the book and shared it with me when we walked around our neighborhood. The movie was a little different. Won't give it away. Cameron Diaz did a good job of playing the Mom role. It was a good movie. Came home and called my Mom, she came down for supper. I made a pasta salad and some chicken I had marinated in a lemon herb "out of a bottle" mixture. It was good. Had some raspberry tea and for dessert a mixture of coconut cream pudding (less milk) and coolwhip with strawberries on top. Using less milk and coolwhip makes it like a mousse. Yummy.

Yesterday was a great day also. Stayed home. Did some cleaning out. Watched a movie on Netflix (Oscar and Lucinda). Finished a book (Pearl S. Buck--The Three Daughters of Madame Liang). Both were really good. I have only read The Good Earth by Ms. Buck (see picture to the right), I need to read more of her works. She was a grand writer.