Start Your Day with Coffee and a Prayer

Monday, September 28, 2009

Camera Critters

If you do not like these guys then do not click on picture to enlarge. They look pretty fearsome.

I thought I would post something a bit different. These were taken in 2007 on the island (Cocoa Cay) where Royal Caribbean goes on the way to Nassau. There were a bunch of iguanas. Super big ones. They had their own little colony next to a large stream and underbrush. I especially liked the picture of the lady in the hammock asleep with them running all around her. I believe her husband was closer to the ground than she was, he is in a lounge chair asleep, you can see his foot.

For more Camera Critters go to


  1. They look very prehistoric, but also very cool. Yet if they were running around under my hammock, I would rather be asleep and not know it. Great closeup.

  2. Great shots of this very ancient reptile. They look awesome.

  3. I think they are handsome in a reptilian sort of way!

  4. I think I would freak out if I woke up and found one of those staring at me. Good pictures, just prefer some critters in the distance.


  5. They are quite handsome from a distance...a very far distance!
    Sunny :)

  6. I think they are awesome, great photos of these lovely reptiles.

  7. Great shots of this very ancient reptile. They look awesome. Make website india
