Start Your Day with Coffee and a Prayer

Sunday, March 14, 2010

New Car

My New Car (well sort of)

Bought a new (2008) car yesterday. I had a 1996 Mecury Sable for 12 years. I put in a new transmission, new water pump, a new hose, tires a couple of times, oil changes of course, a couple of sensors (check engine light) and that was about it. I never had the spark plugs changed or a tune up and it ran like a champ. Lately there was almost no shocks and a strange noise was coming from the front when I turned the wheel a sharp turn to the right.  So I thought it is time to buy something new.  I had been looking on Craig's List, Auto Trader and local newspaper but not much I wanted. If the price was right there were too many miles. Went to a dealer and found a car- HHR by Chevrolet. I had driven these before and really liked the way they handle. So it was a done deal and they gave me $1,000 for my car which I felt like was OK, less trouble for me. So now I can feel much better when I head out on the road as well as a long drive like to the beach which I am so ready for.  Do not know what the HHR stands for, so I made something up "Hungry Hippo Ride".  That is the only thing that came to my mind.


  1. Love your new ride but now every time I see one I will be thinking Hungry Hippo Ride!

  2. Love the color! And love the name! Good job...

  3. Good for you. I like the color.

  4. RED! My favorite color. Nice purchase. Be safe.
